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45000 Wordpress Sites Hacked With Malicious Code

45,000 WordPress Sites Hacked with Malicious Code

Widespread Attack Targets Popular Content Management System

Hackers Exploited Zero-Day Vulnerability, Installed Backdoors

In a major cyberattack, hackers have compromised over 45,000 WordPress websites, injecting malicious code that can steal user data and launch further attacks. The attack exploited a zero-day vulnerability in the WordPress core, allowing hackers to gain unauthorized access to affected websites.

The attack has reportedly been ongoing for several weeks, with hackers installing backdoors on compromised websites. These backdoors give hackers persistent access to the websites, allowing them to modify content, steal user information, and redirect visitors to malicious websites.

Experts are urging WordPress users to update their software immediately to patch the vulnerability. They also recommend implementing additional security measures, such as enabling two-factor authentication and regularly backing up website data.

At this time, the scope and impact of the attack are still being investigated. However, it is believed that the attack could have serious consequences for website owners and users alike.
